Friday, July 15, 2011

The search for happiness begins

Today a friend decided to let all of us know that he has finally taken a bite of the forbidden apple and quit his high paying job to travel for the next 6 months. Now THAT to me is one form of happiness. To let go of everything you know and dive into the deep unknown...there is no greater feeling than the one that comes from releasing yourself from attachment to a job that you could possibly...well...hate!

I have to admit that I have decided to look for my own form of happiness.I have been contracting for the last few years and in each job I felt like something was lacking in my role/life. Now I have decided that I want to work towards doing my own thing for the next few years. This page is my personal pursuit for meaning in a life that sometimes, does not make much sense to me. The ultimate goal is "Happiness" the journey of a thousand miles will begin is anyones' guess.

Look around you...have you ever had a conversation with a close friend, family member, or colleague and talked about happiness? So how can we go about discovering what it means for us? This is not about getting that expensive outfit, or that fancy car, or your dream man/woman or the dream house, this is about your inner happiness, what it means to you to feel complete. Think about things this way, you have arrived at this wonderful buffet called life and you have been savoring a whole lot of different items, some you like a lot, some you like less, and some you cannot be bothered with tasting at all! The trick is in knowing when to stop and feel satisfied and walk away from the buffet before you throw up because you ate too much or you become anorexic because you ate too less.

So lets go back to the example of the friend that has started his journey towards his own happiness, what is one of the essential steps he has taken? He has trusted in himself as a source of his happiness. He has decided to listen to his heart and do what he has always wanted to do -  Travel! Think about this, a "happy" person you know can have just about everything that you might consider as important (perfect job, perfect partner, perfect house,etc), but another person that you know could also have all those things and still not be happy with themselves. What is the difference in their lives? The thing that rings true is this:If you do the things you love, you will love the things you do, you will also love everything around you more. Inner trust in yourself, being optimistic, content and honest enough to discover your needs is one of the steps to discovering happiness.

Happiness, it might seem out of reach, out of sight, and impossible some days, but if you let that little flicker of light called Hope into your life, the dawn will break one day. Take solace in the fact that you are not alone in this search, there are millions of us out there and together, with shared ideas and shared hopes, we will enlighten our lives and bring meaning to it.

One step forward at a time!

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